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▹▹ Alaska Wholesale Requirements ◃◃

Alaska Wholesale Requirements

Authorized retail business operators can have an account with SkyCo Distro. However, to purchase certain product categories, you may be required to provide additional licenses and/or documents.

In addition to a Federal Tax ID Number (also known as an EIN or FEIN), we are required to collect an Alaska Business License before we create you a wholesale account.

To view and purchase tobacco, vapor, and e-cigarette products, your business license must have an endorsement.

Alaska Business License (no endorsement)

Learn more about obtaining an Alaska Business License

When your license expires, you will have to resubmit a valid document before being able to view or purchase products from us.

For more information from the State of Alaska on the Alaska Business License or Alaska Business License with Endorsement, please visit their website: Alaska Department of Commerce.