What is an EIN?
An EIN or Employer Identification Number is issued by the IRS to business entities. This 9 digit number is a unique identifier for businesses. We are REQUIRED to have a valid EIN on file for all of our customers.
The 9 digit number outlined on the right side of the document below is an example of an EIN.
An EIN is often referred to by other names including:
- Employer ID Number
- Employer Identification Number
- Federal Employer ID Number
- Federal Employer Identification Number
- Federal Tax Number
- Federal Tax ID Number
- Federal Tax Identification Number
EINs do not expire.
How to apply for an EIN
This can be done online via a virtual SS-4 form on the IRS's website.
Click here to learn more.
After applying and being approved, you will receive an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) from the IRS in the mail. This is a one-time document that cannot be recreated, so please be sure to save it for future use.
Here's what an EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) looks like:
Unfortunately, sometimes people lose the CP 575. In this case, a business can still request an EIN Verification Letter (147C). The only way to request a 147C is to call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
The 147C is another way to figure out what your EIN is and is acceptable as a form of proof of your EIN.
Here's what an EIN Verification Letter (147C) looks like:
To conclude
We cannot approve an account application without a valid document proving that an EIN has been assigned to your business by the IRS. Proof of EIN must be submitted before an account is approved.
The following documents types are acceptable:
- CP 575
- 147C
Let's do business.