Ooze - Glyco Glass Bowls
The Glyco Freeze Bowl is filled with liquid glycerin, which creates a smooth, chill hit after it's been frozen! This is a 14 mm male flower bowl that is a replacement for the Glyco pieces, but can be used to add some cool hits to any 14 mm piece.
Chilled smoke means a much more pleasant experience for your throat. The old-school way to achieve this was by loading up your piece with ice, but that means you'll eventually have too much water. Now with the Glyco Freeze bowl, you can place your dry herb right in a cradle of cool! Put this bowl in the freezer about half an hour prior to smoking and your hits will be a frosty treat. This bowl is filled with liquid glycerin, which easily freezes for long periods of time and removes the harsh factor from a rip!

Ultra Purple
Qty: N/A

Qty: 1

Mellow Yellow
Qty: N/A

Juicy Orange
Qty: 3

Aqua Teal
Qty: N/A

Slime Green
Qty: 1