Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade
Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade
Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade
Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade

Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade

60ml bottle available in three sub-ohm strengths: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg

Flavor profile

Flavorful limeade infused with a burst of blueberries. 

Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade


Qty: 9

Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade


Qty: 27

Coastal Clouds SubOhm - Blueberry Limeade


Qty: 26

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